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Announcements - Week of 11/4


Join the Choir Holiday Season

November 26 - Join Cokesbury UMC for their Thanksgiving concert December 15 - Combined worship with choir and guest orchestra. If you are interested in joining the choir for either of these events please see Tyler Owens or any choir member. Being able to read music is not a requirement, all are welcome and we would love to have you join us!

Resurrection 2020 • We are gearing up for our big winter retreat to Pigeon Forge on January 24-26. Registration is now open! Early bird discount closes November 24th. Submit a $50 deposit to lock in your price! Register at

Martha Circle will meet Tuesday, November 5 at 1:30 pm in room C121. All women of our church family are invited.

Funseekers Movie Day • Everyone is invited to meet at the Pavilion on November 14, 2019 at 4:30 PM to enjoy the movie “The Case for Christ.” We would like to have light refreshments so request people with last name beginning with A - F bring drinks, G - Q bring chips or crackers with dip, and R - Z cookies, brownies, etc.

The Sonlighters are having a bon re/cookout next to the Pavilion on Nov. 17 at 6:00. Please bring a lawnchair. RSVP TO MELISSA BEST AT 719-9491 BY NOV. 12 to determine amount of food to prepare.

2020 Mission Trip • If you are interested in participating in a short- term mission trip to Costa Rica from May 23-30, 2020 please contact April Dugger at 865-228-4508 or Jackie Henderson at 757-218-3821.

Mission Moment • All are invited to join the Mission Team on the 1st Thursday of each month at 6pm. Their next meeting is on November 7 at 6pm where th ey will continue outlining their mission partners for next year. If you have questions, contact John Ginn 865-368-5127 or Toby Olson 865-607-1850.

Free Cooking Class with Recipes

Sunday, November 17 from 2-4pm

Learn to use a quick cooker/Instant Pot to prepare your Thanksgiv- ing meal! This event is free, however donations will be accepted. All proceeds will be used for the Loudon County Schools “Christmas for Angels” project.

Advent Tea by Candlelight

Monday, December 9, 2019 at 6:00

The Advent Tea is a tranquil gathering focused on the anticipation of Christ’s birth and the season that celebrates it. We will enjoy the beauty of the season, with a tea, special music, and opportunity to benefit an area mission. This year we will spotlight Wesley Woods and its ministry. We hope you will add this event to your Christmas tradition. Please add your name to a table-list in the Gathering Area or call the church office at 986-2973.

Hostesses are needed to decorate a table and to provide tea and dessert for a table of eight. If you are interested in hosting a table please contact: Brenda Allen - 765-2309, Phyllis Wilburn - 250-7871, or Mary Jane Raymer -789-9637

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