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Season of the Spirit
A few years ago I lead a bible study and will always remember the title: Forgotten God. We know about God. We know about Jesus. We forget about the Holy Spirit. Because of things we have seen on TV, the internet, or personal experience, often we feel uncomfortable about the Holy Spirit. June 9th is Pentecost Sunday where we will celebrate the birth of the church by the coming of the Spirit. I thought during the month of June it would be good for us to do a teaching on the Holy Spirit. Namely, who is the Holy Spirt? What does the Holy Spirit do? How can I be filled with the Spirit? and How can I be led by the Spirit? Also during this summer, we will keep up our red liturgical banners to reminds us that we the church live in the age of the Spirit. I encourage you to wear red on June 9th to celebrate Pentecost Sunday. - Scott
Coming Up
June 9-12
Holston Annual Conference We invite you to be praying as the delegates of the Holston Conference churches gather at lake Junaluska to for worship, teaching and to do church business. Your delegates are Scott, Audrey and Brian and Barbara Williams.
June 16 - July 7
SHAPE Discover your gifts for ministry and the different ways you can make an impact in God’s kingdom. Each Sunday from June 16 - July 7 at 10am, we will have a 4-week class hosted by the Crossroads small group and led by our Serving Lay Leader Corrie Olson.
July 31
Small Group Tailgate On July 31 from 6-7:30pm, all adult, youth, and children’s Sunday school leaders and substitutes, WNL Leaders, and other small group leaders are invited to a small group tailgate. More details and correspondence to come.

Thank you for the offerings you have made to support the ministry of Rice
and Beans.
School Supplies - $1510
Food Bags - $537
Uniforms - $2052
Supplies from Missions Budget - $500
Second Harvest Clothing Donations
We are collecting clothing donations for the Second Harvest Food Pantry held on July 27. Please bring items to the Gathering Area. Items being collected:
Children’s clothing from baby sizes to child size 12 (they have enough of the bigger sizes)
Any size clean shoes
Both children and adult coats
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Power Up
During the Sunday School hour, we will be digging in deeper of what is talked about at VBS. We will be talking about how God created us in His image, and He sent His Son, Jesus, to show us the way to live. He also knew we would need help; that’s why He sent us the Holy Spirit. With the power of the Spirit, we can produce fruit that points others to Jesus. Every month, kids discover something about God’s character and how they can reflect or respond to that character because they are created in God’s image. We call those LifeApps. And this summer we’re discovering how several of these Life-Apps show up specifically in what the Apostle Paul calls the fruit of the Spirit.
June 2: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
Bottom Line: Love others because God loves you.
June 9: Acts 5:17-42
Bottom Line: Choose joy no matter what’s going on.
June 16: Matthew 6:26
Bottom Line: You can have peace because God is in control.
June 23: Luke 2:22-35
Bottom Line: When you need to wait, ask God for patience.
June 30: Luke 10:25-37
Bottom Line: Be kind to everyone.
June Memory Verse: “The fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, and peace. It is being patient, kind, and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself.”

Central Students Hike
Join us June 8th as we hike Cades Cove! We will meet at the church around 9AM and be back in the evening. Pack your lunch!

Smoky Mountain Outreach
Mission Trip // June 16-21
Don’t forget to get all of your forms in before we leave for our summer mission trip! Find them online at centralmethodist.com/students along with the packing list!
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Ruth Circle: June 20 at 1:30pm in room C121 Hope Circle: June 25 at 6:30pm (location TBD)
(Martha and Ruth Circles do not meet in July or August)
Spring Salad Luncheon
Tuesday, June 4 at 12:00pm in the Worship Center
UMW members please bring any type salad or dessert for the covered-dish meal; drinks provided. e guest speakers will be from the Wesley House Community Center (WHCC) in Knoxville. All members of our church family are invited (men, women, youth). Please bring an item to donate to the summer care program or sr. adult program at WHCC: freezer pops, paper towels, toilet paper, liquid dish detergent, hand soap.
Save the Dates
June 30 - UMW Ushering at 11am service
July 19-20 - Mission u in Abingdon, VA; brochure and registration
forms are on the table in Hallway A. Registration due by July 5
August 10 - Holston Conference Social Action Workshop on Elder Abuse and Criminalization of the Community, Gray TN
August 24 - TN Valley Social Action Workshop at Central UMC
All women of our church family are invited to any UMW programs and activities. Newsletters and registration packets for district and conference events are available in the file box on the table located across from the UMW bulletin board in the Sunday School hallway. Information also available at holstonumw.org & unitedmethodistwomen.org
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The Holy Spirit
As we enter the season of Pentecost and celebrate the birth of the church, we will take the month of June to relook at the third person of the Trinity: e Holy Spirit. e Holy Spirit is o en misunderstood and forgotten. During this series, we will learn who the Holy Spirit is and how we can be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Upcoming Messages
June 2 // Epic Fails: Saul June 9 // Who is the Holy Spirit? (wear red to church)
June 16 // What does the Holy Spirit Do? June 23 // How Can I Be Filled with the Spirit? June 30 // How Can I be Led by the Spirit?