When you think of the Good Life, what comes to mind? Great Food? Exotic Vacations? Unlimited Golf? Do you ever think of the good life as walking closer to God?We are entering into this season of lent, a 40 day preparation for Easter. During this season, I am preaching a series called The Good Life, thinking practically of what it means to slow down and enjoy life with God. This verse from Isaiah 30:15 always challenges me, “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” I encourage you during this season, to create more space for God in your life, whether it is reading an Upper Room Devotional or praying at a specific time daily. We have provided you some resources on our website.Finally, I invite you to keep praying daily for Loudon county. Let’s intercede and pray for a fresh work of God among our church, this county, and our world.
God’s best to you,