If you received this card from an act of kindness, we want you to know that God loves you and we love you, too.
If you don't have a church home we'd be honored to have you join us this coming Sunday at 9:00 or 11:00am, in-person or online. Find out more about us here.
Join the challenge! Below are some ideas to help you show the love of Jesus in all areas of your life.
COMMUNITY (week of 3/9)
Pray for families as you drive by their homes
Give a blessing bag to someone in need
Leave an encouraging post-it note in a public restroom
Take goodies and a card to teachers, doctors or first responders
Drive like Jesus would
RELATIONSHIPS (week of 3/16)
Pray daily for those closest to you
Reconnect with an old friend
Bless a family member in a special way
Call or visit someone who is lonely
Offer to babysit for free
WORK/SCHOOL (week of 3/23)
Offer to pray for someone
Compliment someone daily
Bring coffee or a treat to someone
Get to know someone and listen well
Help someone with a project or task
HOME (week of 3/30)
Pray with and for a family member
Do an extra chore
Invite someone over for a meal
Help a neighbor
Use kind words
LOCAL BUSINESSES (week of 4/6)
Silently pray for a customer or business
Let someone go ahead of you in line
Smile at those you interact with
Be patient with employees
Leave a generous tip
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES (week of 4/13)
Pray for an opportunity to bless someone
Learn someone’s name and use it
Open the door and say hello
Don’t gossip, say something positive
Invite someone to Easter services