Our desire is that your child might fall deeply in love with Jesus!

We provide a loving and safe environment for babies to four years old. Parents will receive a silent buzzer when they drop their child off should their child need them during the service. Nursery is available during both services and Sunday school and is supervised by paid staff along with volunteer church members.
Babies to 4 years old - Room 102

Sunday School
Pre-K - 1st Grade // Room 106
2nd - 5th Grade // Room 112
We want our children to experience learning about Jesus through hands-on activities that will have a lasting impact. Children begin Sunday school in the Choir Room at 10:00am for Music with Mrs. Rachel then go to their classrooms.
Children engage in the Deep Blue Rotation Stations curriculum that focuses on one Bible story for seven weeks. Through themed lessons including cooking, art, science, games, missions and more, children dive deep into focused messages in the Bible and experience learning that will last a lifetime.
CK Worship
During 9:00 & 11:00am Services
Central's children engage in CK Worship on the 2nd-5th Sunday of each month in both our Modern and Traditional services. Children begin in the Worship Center with their families and will then be dismissed after singing and prayer.
CK Worship will allow children to participate in the same elements of worship our services offer, tailored in kid-friendly ways! CK Worship will align with what is being taught in the main worship service to allow families and children to engage in the same learning and worship focus each week.

Our Mission & What We Value
The Central Kids Ministry exists to build a firm foundation of faith, develop a healthy trust in God, experience the life-changing love of Jesus, and equip families to learn and grow together.